Double the Fun and Taste!

Chocolate chip cookies are among the top favorite snacks of most people besides chocoholics! With their crunch and tiny bits of chocolate chips, you’ll find it hard not to fall in love with these cookies.  They have an extraordinary taste that seems like a blend of buttery, sweet and chocolaty flavors, making them hard to resist even in the first bite.

Now, if you’re a huge fan of chocolates and of cookies as well, you’d better read this blog for it includes a great recipe for chocolate chip cookies that contain more than twice the chocolate flavors you’re craving for. Yes, you heard that right! More than twice the chocolate flavors are in this whole new brand of double chocolate chip cookies. Simply follow the proven-and-tested recipe and enjoy these cookies as they double the fun and taste of chocolates! They will surely and undoubtedly double your love for chocolate chip cookies too. (check out chocolate chip cookie history)

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